2nd Runners Up: Qabeelat TAYYBAH, New York City!
This year Qabeelat Tayybah hosted 5 seminars averaging 230 students in each which is an amazing feat that the team there should be proud of! Not only that but they had an average 44% exam attendance with an average score of 75% making them one of our best academically performing Qabeelahs. This is totally in line with their renowned academics team, and yes even instructors use their students notes prepared by the Qabeelah ma sha Allah!
Mubarak, Qabeelat Tayybah on an excellent year!
Which then leads to…
1st Runners Up: Qabeelat Madinatayn, Minneapolis, MN!
Qabeelat Madinatayn splashed onto the AlMaghrib world only very recently, and even though they are much smaller than many of our major cities they quickly put everyone on notice that they mean business winning the Liwaa in their first year!
This year they were a close second, with a class average of 200 students, an exam turnout of 46.8% and the HIGHEST exam average in the AlMaghrib world at 79.50% (!), Minneapolis is indeed the city of students of knowledge. But not just that, they are also the city of action because their IMPACT work has been making headlines all over the world!
Mubarak to Qabeelat Madinatayn on an outstanding year!
So, who are the winners?!