Dallas, Melbourne, Bristol, oh my!
It’s been bustling in the AlMaghrib world. Seven amazing seminars around the globe in just three days. Check out the highlights from our busy weekend:
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi mesmerizing the crowd at No Doubt, hosted by Q Bushra Dallas
From Protect This House, by Shaykh Yaser Birjas, hosted by Q Ruhma Seattle
Shaykh Waleed captivating the audience on the description of Jannah, in Forever, hosted by Q Durbah, New Jersey.
Enraptured crowds, and yummy breakfast speread in Melbourne Australia (Q AlFursaan), hosting Shaykh Ahsan Hanif’s Lost in Translation
Shaykh Majed Mahmood explaining how to overcome your shortcomings at Art of Manners, in Minnesota (Q Madinatyn)
Decor at the Homecoming seminar by Shaykh Abdul Bary Yahya, hosted by Q Rayyaan, Bristol.